Rice College is a Catholic school, which operates following the tradition of the Christian Brothers and in the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice. It is a place of learning wherein a high standard of teaching is provided to all pupils. Rice College uses all its resources to help pupils achieve their potential. To facilitate our goals of learning and preparing for life after school a high standard of behaviour is expected from students.
We take our work ethic from the example of Blessed Edmund who sought to end social deprivation through education. Students in Rice College must work hard in class and commit to their lessons. Homework must always be attempted, deadlines reached and exams prepared for. In all of this, students can be assured of the ongoing help from the school authorities and teaching staff. No pupil should ever worry about not understanding any educational concept. We are here to help each other and listen.
The following Code of Behaviour and Code of Discipline are necessary to allow the educative process to work in Rice College without interruption. Behaviour, which in any way impedes the educative process and interferes in the educational rights of others, is what we refer to as unacceptable behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated in Rice College. A pupil who continues to misbehave is being unfair to classmates who are trying to learn and unfair to the teachers who are trying to do their job. Unacceptable behaviour will be met by responses from the College. Pupils will be fully aware of what particular disciplinary measure can be expected following errant behaviour.
Disciplinary procedures are collaborative and aimed at resolving whatever motivates a pupil to misbehave. Disciplinary procedures are primarily restorative rather than punitive.
Rice College will assist errant pupils to reflect and examine their behaviour right through the disciplinary process. Students must feel free at all stages to say what they are thinking and to add their voice.
Collaboration, effort and good behaviour form the pillars of effective learning. The Codes of Behaviour and Discipline seek to protect our learning environment.
Rice College is committed to providing students with a school environment that is both safe and conducive to learning. To this end, we set clear expectations for all students. Our student behaviour and conduct policies were developed after extensive consultation with the education partners. It defines a student's basic rights and responsibilities, outlines the Principal's role and outlines consequences for inappropriate actions.
At Rice College, we do not allow inappropriate behaviour and conduct.
Every member of the school staff - whether Principal, teacher, secretary, caretaker, canteen worker or cleaner - has a responsibility when it comes to creating a school environment that is safe for students.
This student behaviour and conduct policy serves as a basis from which our College develops its own discipline plans. These plans reflect the unique nature of our individual College and its surrounding communities.
Schools typically draw on a range of strategies to resolve disciplinary issues and to influence behaviour in a positive way. These approaches include teaching students how to resolve their own problems, individual counselling sessions and if necessary, suspensions and expulsions.
We recognise that the manner in which a student behaves or acts can affect every learner in the classroom; every person in the College. That's why our College works so hard-alongside parents - at instilling positive attitudes in our students.
Continual interference in the learning atmosphere by errant pupils has to be dealt with by the school to protect the right to education of the other pupils.
Ongoing misbehaviour is unjust. Pupils who persist in such behaviour must, for their own education, be made look at what they are doing and be given direction in how to behave appropriately.
Pupils will be brought through the Codes of Behaviour and Discipline annually in class to clear up any confusion as to what Rice College expects. These codes must be signed by both pupil and parent/guardian and returned to the School.
Prior to being enrolled in Rice College, parents/guardians and pupils will be given a copy of this Code and asked to sign it. In doing so, Rice College understands that the pupil and parents/guardians accept the Code and will assist the school in implementing them.
Students are treated with dignity, respect and fairness by other students and staff. Students will be provided with a learning environment that is free from physical, emotional and social abuse. Students and parents will be informed of the Board's and the College's expectations for student behaviour within the College, the College grounds and during College activities. In the event of student misbehaviour, students and parents have the right to offer an explanation and will be informed about the consequences of misbehaviour.
Students will exercise their responsibilities to:
Use their abilities and talents to gain maximum learning benefits from their school experiences
Contribute to a climate of mutual trust and respect conducive to effective learning, personal development and social living and attend school regularly and punctually.
Appropriate opportunities for student consultation and involvement in student related matters are provided.
The Board supports the endeavours of staff, students, parents and the community to ensure positive student behaviour and conduct. In addition, the Board expects parents and students to recognise their responsibility in developing student self-discipline.
Students shall be responsible and accountable for their behaviour and conduct:
while involved in school-sponsored or related activities
while on College property; during any recess or lunch periods on or off College property; while travelling to and from school and beyond the hours of school operation if the behaviour or conduct detrimentally affects the welfare of individual students or the good name, climate or efficiency of the College
The Board is aware of the good name this College holds within the local community. Bearing this in mind, the College expects its pupils to behave properly while off the premises. Pupils, who misbehave outside of the regular timetable or when off Rice College premises, will be subject to the Code of Behaviour and the Code of Discipline.
Such instances may include:
Foul language to a member of the public
Fighting in public setting
Theft from local shops
Acts of vandalism
Abuse/disrespect shown to any member of Rice College staff both teaching and non teaching
Consumption/purchase of inappropriate/illegal material e.g. alcohol/drugs/Cigarettes/E-Cigarettes/graphic material etc
Any other form of behaviour that could bring Rice College into disrepute.
A school tour is seen as Rice College travelling. While travelling, the educative process is ongoing and the same high standards of behaviour are expected. Should pupils misbehave on tour the teachers will deal with the matter there and then. On return to Rice College, the matter may be open to further investigation. Parents/Guardians will be kept fully notified. A school tour policy exists.
It is the Board's expectation that parents:
Be aware of the Board’s policy and regulations and the College's expectations for student behaviour and conduct;
Review the board policy and regulations and the college's expectations for student behaviour and conduct with their child(ren); Work with the school to resolve student behavioural issues when they affect their child(ren);
Co-operate with the college's recommended course of action prior to re-admission of the student following a student suspension.
Students shall show respect for: school authority; others and their property; ethnic, racial, religious, and gender differences; school attendance and punctuality; work habits, assignments and homework, College property; textbooks and equipment; fire alarms and safety equipment and the College policies relating to smoking, alcohol, drugs or any such substance (including but not limited to unprescribed medication or any product from a head shop or any such store) on the College Campus.
Problem solving, monitoring or reviewing behaviour expectation with student and reprimand;
Written exercises: these will have clear educational purposes.
Detention of student after school or during school hours;
Community service within the school such as assisting in the canteen etc;
Temporary removal of privileges;
Referral to the Discipline Committee;
Parental involvement;
Behaviour contract with student;
Restitution for property damage to an individual or College;
Involvement of Gardai and / or other statutory agencies;
Referral to the National Educational Welfare Board;
Conditional return to College;
Expulsion from the College
Conduct which threatens the safety of students and/or staff, possession of anything on a student's person, or in a student's locker or desk, that is dangerous to students and staff;
Assaulting another person and/ or fighting;
Where the behaviour has a seriously detrimental effect on the education of other students.
The use, consumption or possession of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, e-cigarettes or any such substance (including but not limited to unprescribed medication or any product from a vape shop or any such store) on the College Campus.
Sexual harassment;
Contravention of College policies and regulations related to smoking, student attendance, student rights and responsibilities;
Wilful disobedience and/or open opposition to authority;
Use or display of improper or profane language;
Wilful damage to College or others' property;
Interfering with the orderly conduct of class(es).
The list (above) is not meant to be an exhaustive list of student misconduct and is given for example purposes only.
Prior to any suspension, the pupil will have been met by class teacher, year head, Deputy Principal and will have gone through a series of cumulative disciplinary measures. The Principal is the only person permitted to recommend and enact any suspension.
Prior to the possible imposition of suspension, the Principal will meet with the Deputy Principal to review the pupil’s discipline file. The Principal will then meet the pupil and parents separately and finally together. Following this collaborative process, the Principal will inform the parents in writing of the disciplinary sanction.
The school will put in place procedures to ensure suspended pupils keep up with their work. The Deputy Principal will allocate classmates to deliver notes/homework and the Year Head will inform the pupil’s teachers. Class teachers may contact the pupil’s parents through the Year Head/Deputy Principal.
Following the period of suspension the Deputy will meet and interview the pupil. The pupil will hand up reflection sheets on why the suspension occurred. The pupil will be advised on how to stay out of trouble. It is very important that the pupil be aware that once the suspension is over he/she begins with a clean sheet.
Parents have the right to appeal any suspension under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998.
This is the ultimate sanction and can only be used by the Board of Management following a recommendation from the College Principal. Expulsion can be used to deal with extreme cases of unacceptable behaviour. A pupil facing expulsion will usually have been suspended more than once. This pupil will have been brought through the entire range of the codes of behaviour & discipline numerous times. All parties concerned will be fully aware of the situation due to the consultative nature of the Codes.
However, the Board of Management may expel a pupil for a first offence when it is deemed exceptionally unacceptable. Such instances may be as follows:
A serious threat of violence against another student or member of staff.
Actual violence or physical harm.
Supplying illegal substances to other pupils in the school.
Sexual Assault.
This list is set for example purposes only.
Expulsions can be appealed under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998.
The Principal shall report to Gardai the names of all persons for whom he has reasonable and probable grounds to believe are trafficking in drugs and all other illicit material.
The Principal will:
Inform the parents of students involved and/or
Proceed with disciplinary measures, which may lead to suspensions or expulsions
The Principal shall communicate to students and parents the Board policy and regulations and the College's expectations for student behaviour and conduct. It is our responsibility to provide an environment, which will enhance the education of our young people. The College's expectations shall include the consequences for failure to meet the expectations related to student behaviour, conduct, dress, discipline, deportment, and attendance. The Principal shall maintain records of disciplinary action taken by College staff as a result of unacceptable student behaviour. Parents requiring clarification or further information regarding student behaviour and conduct should telephone the College Principal or Deputy Principal.
Respect: students shall show respect and courtesy to all members of staff and to one another. They shall obey the directions of their teachers.PUNCTUALITY
College hours
Morning Classes: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:10 p.m.
Lunch time: Monday-Friday 1:10 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Afternoon classes: Monday-Tuesday 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 3:20 p.m
All latecomers must get a late slip from the Deputy Principal's office and furnish it to the first class teacher they have on that morning/afternoon.
Students should pay attention to personal neatness and also to tidiness of classrooms, corridors, College yard and so on. Students must dispose of litter in the litter bins provided. Chewing gum is strictly prohibited.
Rice College prohibits the use, consumption or possession of alcohol, drugs or any such substance (including but not limited to unprescribed medication or any product from a vape shop or any such store) on the College Campus. A Substance Use policy is in place.
Students must respect College property. Accidental damage should be reported immediately to the Principal or Deputy Principal.
Personal property: Responsibility for theft, loss or damage to any article is not accepted by the College authorities.
Conduct: Students are answerable to the school authorities for any misbehaviour outside of school, which reflects discredit on the College and they are subject to disciplinary action within the College.
no cycling within the College grounds.
Students are expected to give of their best in class at all times and to attend to their homework and study conscientiously.
Electronic equipment: Ipods, Mp3 players, walkmans, radios, lasers, recording devices are not allowed in the College.
Valuables and money, except pocket money, are not allowed in the College.
Students must observe all safety regulations, which apply in various specialist rooms.
All mobile phones must be switched off during school hours. A mobile phone is not to be used to take a photo/video/recording of any student or staff member. Mobile phones are not to be used on the school grounds. A mobile phone which causes disruption in school may be confiscated for one week.
Tartan skirt (knee length) or grey trousers (The trousers are of a particular design and grey colour.)
Navy V-neck jumper with the school crest.
Blue shirt.
Navy socks or plain navy tights or plain black tights.(No patterns or designs)
Dark footwear
Neat hairstyles
Plain grey trousers.
Navy V-neck jumper with the school crest.
Blue Shirt.
Dark footwear
Neat hairstyles
Students must be dressed respectfully and appropriately as per uniform code.
Uniforms can be purchased from Pynes of Abbey Street, Ennis (065) 6829714
Classroom discipline is primarily the responsibility of the Class Teacher. Class Teachers normally deal with problems in the classroom such as lack of co-operation, unsatisfactory work and inattentive or disruptive behaviour. When positive attempts to change the students’ behaviour fail to evoke a favourable response, Class Teachers may impose certain penalties such as written work (of clear educational value) or verbal reprimand. Where inappropriate behaviour persists, the Class Teacher may refer the matter to the appropriate Year Head by means of a Report Card.
A breach of the school’s Code of Behaviour and/ or the school rules is recorded by means of a Report Card, which is submitted to the appropriate Year Head.
The Year Head will keep a record of all Report Cards submitted and monitor the student's behaviour.
Year Heads will report all disciplinary matters to the weekly Year Heads' committee meeting. The committee may refer a student to the pastoral care team in certain circumstances where appropriate.
If the student persists in misbehaving, the student's parents/guardians will be informed as soon as possible by the Year Head, Deputy Principal or Principal - (a) where a number of report cards have accumulated or (b) when a serious incident occurs.
The Principal/BOM are the only College authorities that may suspend a student.
In certain circumstances where, in the opinion of the Principal, immediate action is required, the Principal reserves the right to take whatever action he or she considers appropriate in the interests of school discipline and student safety.
The Principal may refer a discipline case to the Board of Management. Having examined the case, the Board may impose further sanction on the student, up to and including expulsion.
In extreme cases, the Principal may recommend the expulsion of a student to the Board of Management. The Board is the only authority that can impose an expulsion.
In the event of a decision being made to expel a student, the student and his or her parents will be informed of their rights pursuant to the provisions of the Education Act 1998 by the Principal/ Board of Management.
Such pupils are seen as a resource to assist in the educative process by leading through the example of hard work and good behaviour. All pupils are subject to the Code of Behaviour & Code of Discipline. Pupils over 18 who misbehave will be interviewed by College authorities in a collaborative approach to resolve any issue.
Before any disciplinary action is taken against such pupils the Deputy Principal will discuss the student’s case with the Department of Learning Support and Guidance Counsellor and take advice on how to proceed.
Just as errant behaviour is reported so too will good behaviour. Parents can be informed by a combination of the following:
1. Phone calls from the DP or YH.
2. Comments on House Exam reports.
3. Notes written in pupils’ journal.
4. Through the Awards Scheme.
5. Praise in class.