
In 1802 Edmund Rice founded his first college in Waterford to provide a Christian education for the youth of that city. It is gratifying to see that his great work is being given due recognition and that Edmund was declared blessed by Pope John Paul II on Sunday October 6th 1996. Following in the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice, we in Rice College aim to encourage the students to grow in their understanding of the Christian faith.

Continuing and complementing the work commenced by the parents in the home, our aim is not merely to teach the students the truth of Christianity but to help them develop an appreciation for and an acceptance of Christian values and attitudes. By fully and actively involving the students in an educational process that is both faithful to our heritage and related to their lives, we encourage the students to explore the Christian faith and to recognise its relevance to their own lives.

The religious education programme in the college is organised and conducted under the guidance of the diocesan advisor and in accordance with the requirements of the syllabus for religious education in secondary schools. Retreats, class and school masses and special activities at Christmas and Easter are also an important part of religious education within the college.

The college chaplain visits the college regularly and is available to the students for counselling, advice or the sacrament of reconciliation.

It is our hope that students will leave Rice College with a faith that will help and sustain them as they face the problems and challenges of the future.